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Privacy Policy


This policy aims to describe the management of this website (hereinafter, the “Site”), with reference to the processing of personal data of its users/visitors pursuant to the applicable law and regulations and, in particular, pursuant to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, the “GDPR”).


Policy and information notice


Unless otherwise specified herein, this policy is also intended as an information notice - pursuant to Article 13 GDPR - provided to those who interact with the services offered by the Site. Detailed information notices on the processing of personal data are provided, where necessary, in the pages relating to the individual services offered. These information are intended to define the limits and methods of data processing for each service, on the basis of which the visitor can freely express his consent and authorize the collection of data and their subsequent use, if necessary.


Scope of this policy


This privacy policy applies to the Site only and it is not referred to any other wesite not operated by Pesci Combattenti S.r.l. which may be potentially consulted by the user through the navigation of the links.


Data controller


Pesci Combattenti S.r.l., whose registered office is in Rome (Italy), 00195, at Viale Angelico, n.39, is the data controller of personal data collected through this Site, which is accessible at In addition, personal data may be processed by persons appointed as data processors, both internal and external, as well as by persons in charge of the processing, responsible for managing the service requested.

If you would like to receive more detailed information on the names of the internal and external data processors, please e-mail


Optional data


The provision of personal data requested to the data subject – unless otherwise specified herein – is optional; however, failure to provide such data may make it impossible to obtain what has been requested.


Types of data and purposes of the processing



This Site performs a mainly informative function of the activities carried out by Pesci Combattenti S.r.l. Therefore, in most cases, no collection of personal data from the navigator is envisaged. While browsing the Site, it is however possible to acquire information about the visitor, in the following ways:

Navigation data


During their ordinary operation, the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Site acquire some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes: IP addresses, the type of browser used, the operating system, the domain name and the addresses of websites from which access and/or exit are made, the information on the pages visited by users within the site, the access time, the stay on the single page, the internal path analysis as well as other parameters related to the operating system and the user's computer environment. These technical/IT data are collected and used exclusively in an aggregated and immediately non-identifying manner. They could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.



The Site uses cookies. For more information please consult our cookie policy.


Data voluntarily provided by the visitor


The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this Site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message. These data will be used for the sole purpose of establishing a mutual communication and/or to perform the service or provision requested and will not be the object of communication and dissemination nor will they be transferred abroad, unless the disclosure is required by law or is strictly relevant and necessary for the fulfillment of some requests. In this case, the user will be provided with the appropriate privacy information notice, which specifies the use of data and other information required by law.


Request for any informative material


Personal data provided by those users requesting for dispatch of any informative material (e.g. brochures, etc.) are used only to perform the requested service and are communicated to third parties only if this is necessary for this purpose (e.g. shipping service of the documentation by persons who perform such instrumental activity on behalf of the our company, being specifically authorized).


How to acquire consent (if required)


In the event there is the intention to use personal data collected through this Site for purposes that require the prior consent of the data subject (for example for subsequent promotional activities or for profiling), the user will be asked to freely give a specific consent by selecting the corresponding option in the form that follows the relevant information notice. At any time the user can object to this type of use of his personal data as indicated in the paragraph named "Exercise of rights" below. At the present stage, the Site does not provide any profiling activity.


Processing and storage of data


Processing of personal data is carried out mainly by using electronic procedures and media, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data have been collected.

Places of retention of data


Processing connected to the web services of this Site take place at Pesci Combattenti S.r.l., Viale Angelico, n.39, 00195, Rome (Italy), which manages the related server. Personal data are only handled by technical personnel of our company, specifically in charge of processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.


Security measures


Specific security measures are adopted to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.


Scope of communication and dissemination of data


Personal data acquired through the Site may be accessed only by those subjects acting on behalf of the data controller, which have been specifically appointed as data processors or persons in charge of the processing, unless the disclosure of such data is required by law or is strictly relevant and necessary for the fulfillment of certain requests; the data are not disseminated.


Exercise of rights


In relation to the processing of personal data, data subject may, at any time, obtain confirmation of the existence of the same data at the Data Controller, know their content and their source, request their integration or rectification or, in the cases provided for in by the law, the data portability, the limitation of processing, the delations of the data processed, as well as object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data; upon request, data subject may obtain the updated list of    data processors. Data subject shall also be entitled to file a complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority and/or to the other competent supervisory authorities, should data subject consider that its rights have not been respected or should data subject have not received a response to its requests according to the applicable law.

For any and all requests, please e-mail or send a registered letter return receipt to Pesci Combattenti S.r.l., Viale Angelico, n. 39 - 00195, Rome (Italy).


Redirect to external websites


The Site may use the so-called social

plugin. The social plug-ins are special tools that allow users to incorporate the features of the social network directly within the website (e.g. the "like" function of Facebook). All social plugins on the site are marked by the respective logo owned by the social network platform. When users visit a page of our Site and interact with the plugin (e.g. by clicking the "Like" button) or decide to leave a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted from the browser directly to the social network platform (in our example, Facebook) and stored therein. For information on the purposes, type and methods of collection, processing, use and storage of personal data by the social network platform, as well as for the ways in which to exercise the relevant rights, please consult the privacy policy of the social network.


Link to/from third parties websites


From this Site it is possible to connect to other third party websites through special links. Pesci Combattenti S.r.l. declines any and all responsibility regarding the potential management of personal data by any third party websites as well as the management of authentication credentials provided by such third parties.

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